Update #2

It is currently the day before our meeting with Karthik and we are making good progress on the game, the game design ended up not being anywhere close to how we envisioned it in the first place but I believe that it turned out decently considering that we have had two of our teammates drop out due to unfortunate circumstances. We have spent the past 2 weeks working on our own individual parts and spent the past few days integrating it all together so that our game is now in a single unity project finally with the exception of some models that our OCAD members are still working on. The concept art and models look really promising already and the main difficulties we faced this week was primarily getting github and unity to agree with each other on everybody's devices, as we needed to fix many parts of our project such as the .gitignore. Additionally, scripting the movement proved to be a hassle as we ran into issues with colliders and movement commands mixing up local direction and world direction, but these were solved after a few mind-numbing hours of trial and error. We are moving into our reading week where we are hoping to meet up more often to build up the first level at least before the alpha prototype.



Xuyan Ding(Kevin): Created two levels and worked on the character movement.

Javan Graham: Worked on the code logic behind typing mechanics and added interactable objects to test functionalities.

Jia Zhao: Worked on the character movement, scene transition, game UI and proper documenting of the game.


Shannen Guntoro: Worked on character models and animations.

Anantha: Worked on arts and models for the kitchen part of the tutorial level.

YunTing He: Worked on the comic for cut scenes and the concept art for the last level.

Get Type-To-Win

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